Church Reopening and Liturgical Guidelines Effective Sunday, July 4, 2021
For the past 15 months, the Coronavirus pandemic has put a lot of restrictions on our daily lives and the liturgy in general.
On June 15th, in accordance with the guidelines of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, our church will be able to reopen.
However, we are still cautious about Masses and other gatherings where many people gather. Putting each other’s safety first, we have prepared the following guidelines for a gradual reopening.
- Schedule for Mass and Confession
(Only Sunday Masses will start inside the church from July 4th, and weekday Masses will be planned to start in stages.)
7:00 am (Korean - Priority to Seniors)
9:00 am (Korean)
11:00 am (English)
1:00pm (Spanish)
Wednesday: 6:30pm-7:30 pm Adoration and Confession (Korean, English, Spanish)
Thursday: 6:30pm-7:30 pm Adoration and Confession (Korean, English)
Friday: 6:30pm-7:30 pm Adoration and Confession (Korean, English, Spanish)
Saturday: 9:00am-10:00am Confession (Korean, English)
During Mass: No social distancing or body temperature checks will be required. Reservations for Mass and sanitizing after each Mass are also no longer required.
Masks are no longer required for those that are fully vaccinated; however, at St. Gregory Church, we highly recommend that churchgoers continue to wear masks for their own safety.
Staff and all volunteers will continue to wear masks.
Touchless hand sanitizer stations will be installed at the entrance along with self-screening Coronavirus symptom questionnaires.
During Mass, the presence of ushers and liturgical servers will be minimal.
Small group meetings will be permitted. Please check location and times as posted in the office.
Meeting times will be limited to 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Food and beverage sharing is not permitted inside the church.
Large group meetings will not be held for the time being.
For Confessions, please use the room in the back of the sacristy. Entrance will be through the back door of the sacristy outside the church.
Holy Water will be available in the office.
The gift shop is currently unavailable. However, the Korean Missalette ($5) and bottle candles ($3) are sold at the office. There will be no offering of candles inside the church for the time being.
Opening times of the church for personal prayer: 9:30am – 12:00pm
English and Spanish Missalettes will be provided for you in the pews.